1st Workshop on Mobile Immersive Visualization (WMIV 2013)

August 27, 2013      

Time: 9:00am-12:15pm

Location: Held in Room 18, AmalienstraBe 73a (https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=Amalienstra%C3%9Fe+73,+Munich,+Germany&aq=0&oq=Amalienstra%C3%9Fe+73+M&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=57.641503,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Amalienstra%C3%9Fe+73,+Maxvorstadt+80799+M%C3%BCnchen,+Germany&t=m&z=14&ll=48.150685,11.578572).

at ACM 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services,

MobileHCI 2013 {http://www.mobilehci2013.org/}


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This is a morning half-day workshop 9:00am-12:15pm designed to open discussions, facilitate networking, and brainstrom ideas in Mobile Immersive Visualizations, for any stage that you are in or beginning in this field.

If you would like a full day of Mobile Immersive Visualization activities, related content will be presented in a sister Tutorial session offered in the afternoon (details at the bottom of this page).

9:00 am: Introduction to Mobile Immersive Visualization

9:15 am: State of the Art, Questions, and Core Challeneges in Mobile Immersive Visualizations

9:45 am: Positions, Current Work, and New Challenges

10:00 am: Coffee Break

10:15 am: Continuation of Positions, Current Work, and New Challenges

10:30 am: VES/KiwiViewer -Kitware SAS - Julien Jomier

11:00 am: Presentations: Positions, Current Work, and New Challenges

11:30 am: Discussions / BoF

12:00 pm: Summary and Closing Remarks

12:15 pm: Adjourn for Lunch

13:30-5:30 pm: Continue your participation and join us for our sister Tutorial "Mobile Interfaces for 3D and Immersive Systems: There's a Mobile App for That!" at Amalienstraße 73a for more Hands-on exercises and instructional presentations! http://www.mobilehci2013.org/tutorials.php