Lecture Material

Week 1:
8/26/24: Syllabus and course overview
8/28/24: Go over program #1 and Chapter 1: Intro to OS, CH 1 Recommended Reading
8/30/24: Finish Chapter 1

Week 2: (lab 1)
9/02/24: Labor Day, No class
9/04/24: Chapter 2: OS Structures, CH 2 Recommended Reading , Written Q1 Due
9/06/24: Finish Chapter 2 (last day to drop),Program #1 Due

Week 3:
9/09/24: Chapter 3: Processes, CH 3 Recommended Reading, , Written Q2 Due
9/11/24: Finish chapter 3, Go over Program #2, Written Q3 Due
9/13/24: Fork, Exec, and Pipe example, Written Q4 Due

Week 4: (lab2)
9/16/24: Chapter 5: Scheduling, CH 5 Recommended Reading, Written Q5 Due
9/18/24: Finish Scheduling, Program 2 Questions
9/20/24: Chapter 4 & 5: Threading, CH 4 Recommended Reading, Written Q6 Due

Week 5:
9/23/24: continue Threading, Chap 6 and 7: Process Synchronization, Part 1, Written Q7 Due
9/25/24: Chap 6 and 7: Process Synchronization, Part 2, Program #2 Due, Written Q8 and Q9 Due
9/27/24: Continue Chap 6 and 7: Process Synchronization, Part 2

Week 6:
9/30/24: Review for Exam 1, Written Q10 Due
10/02/24: Exam 1 (OS Structures; Processes; Scheduling; A little from Synchronization;)
10/04/24: no class

Week 7: (lab3)
10/07/24: finish chap 6 and 7, go over Program #3
10/09/24: writing threads and semaphores, Program 3 questions, Written Q11 Due
10/11/24: Chap 6 and 7: Process Synchronization, Part 3, Written Q12 and Q13 Due

Week 8: (lab4)
10/14/24: mid semester break, no class
10/16/24: Chapter 8: Deadlock , Written Q14 Due
10/18/24: Chapter 9: Main Memory,CH 9 Recommended Reading, Written Q15 and Q16

Week 9: (lab 5)
10/21/24: Chapter 10: Virtual Memory, CH 10 Recommended Reading, Written Q17 due and Program #3
10/23/24: finish Chapter 10, Review for Exam 2, Written Q18 due
10/25/24: Exam 2 (Synchronization, Deadlock, Main Memory, Virtual Memory)

Week 10:
10/28/24: Go Over The Final Project, Chapter 13: File System Interface, CH 13 Recommended Reading
10/30/24: Finish Chapter 13 and Chapter 14: File System Implementation and Chapter 15 File-System Internals, CH 14 and 15 Recommended Reading
11/01/24: Finish Chapter 14 & 15, File System Project Q&A , Written Q19 Due

Week 11:
11/04/24: Chapter 16: Security, CH 16 Recommended Reading, Written Q20 and Q21 Due
11/06/24: finish Chapter 16 and Chap 17: Protection, CH 17 Recommended Reading, Written Q22 Due
11/08/24: Finish chapter 17 and Chapter 18: Virtual Machines, CH 18 Recommended Reading, Written Q23 Due (last day to withdraw)

Week 12:
11/11/24: Finish 18 and Chapter 19: Networks and Distributed Systems, CH 19 Recommended Reading
11/13/24: Distributed Coordination, Written Q24 Due
11/15/24: Work on final project, Written Q25 due

Week 13:
11/18/24: Work on final project
11/20/24: Work on final project
12/22/24: Work on final project

Week X: Thanks Giving week
11/25/24: no class
11/27/24: no class
11/29/24: no class

Week 15:
12/02/24: Work on final project, due by 5pm
12/04/24: no class, Written Q26 Due
12/06/24: Review for Final Exam

Week 16: Final Exam week
12/09ish/24: Final Exam 8am to 10:00am, same room