Lecture Material

Week 1:
8/26/24: Go over syllabus, course overview, general info
8/28/24: Briefly: Support libraries and Android introduction: Activities, ..., and MVC
8/30/24: Image and Vector Assets and kotlin, a primer ( Java Primer)

Week 2:
9/02/24: Labor Day, No class
9/04/24: go over program 1, GUI Basics, and ViewBinding, Example code: Basic
9/06/24: Fragments and callbacks, Architecture Navigation, and ViewModel and LiveData, Example code: Communication/frag and simplefrag examples, Advanced/Arch Navigation , viewbinding/* and ViewModel and LiveData demos

Week 3:
9/09/24: finish fragments and Intents and Communication, Example code: Communication
9/11/24: GUI Advanced, Example code: Advanced
9/13/24: Colors and Material Design , Threads and AsyncTask , and Learn more: Google's Material Design Lecture, Example code: Thread and AsyncTask Demo , Program #1 due

Week 4:
9/16/24: Display Lists of data (Spinner, ListView, and RecyclerView) and Activities, fragments, callbacks/listeners/interfaces, modelveiew/livedata, Example code: RecyclerView and ListView,
9/18/24: Dialog Boxes, Example code: Dialog Demo
9/20/24: GUI Navigation, Example code: Navigation and/or Material Design

Week 5:
9/23/24: Input: touch, keyboard, controllers, and sensors, Example code: Sensor/input Examples and controller Demo , Program #2 due (by 5pm)
9/25/23: Use-Permissions, Example code: Permissions Demos

Week 6:
9/30/23: Saving Data, a primer and Dynamic Data and Content Providers, Example Code: Content Provider Demo and saveDataDemo , Program #3 due (by 5pm)
10/02/23: sqlite primer and sqlite [includes cursors, adapters, listviews, RecyclerViews], Example Code: Sqlite demos Learn more: Google's SQLite Primer
10/04/23: Architecture: Room Persistence Library with modelview and livedata, plus recyclerview and content providers. Example Code: Architecture demos

Week 7:
10/07/23: Firebase: Realtime DB and Cloud Firestore, and firebase primer (minus Databases) Example Code: firebase demos
10/09/23: File System and MediaStore, Example Code: FileSystem Demo
10/11/23: Preferences, Example Code: Preferences

Week 8:
10/14/23: mid semester break, no class
10/16/23: android drawing, Example Code: Draw Examples
10/18/23: Basic Game Design and android Text-to-speech and speech to Text, Example Code: AlienIvanders and FlappyAlien and Speech Demos

Week 9:
10/21/23: Services and IPC (binder), JobScheduler, and WorkManager, Example Code: Service Demos, Program #4 due, by 5pm
10/23/23: finish Services and Broadcast Receiver, Example code: broadcast receiver Demos
10/25/23: Short Video, Android Beautiful Notifications, notifications Part 1, Example code: Notifications Examples

Week 10: (advising Week)
10/28/23: notifications Part 2 and Intro to Google Play Services Example code: googlelogin
10/30/23: GPS/Location Example code:GPS Demo
11/01/23: Maps v2, Example code: Map V2 Demo

Week 11: Networking
11/04/23: Homescreen Widgets, Example Code:Homescreen Widget Demos
11/06/23: Networking Overview and Protocols and embeding the web browser in your app Example code: JavaNetwork Demo and WebViewDemo
11/08/23: Sockets, HttpURLConnnection, and AsyncTask, downloadmanager, Example code: Network code Demos, Program #5 due, by 5pm

Week 12:
11/11/23: go over program 6 and Intro to ReST Services and Android and Architecture, ReST, and Retrofit, Example Code: ReST Demos and Architecture demos

Week 13:
11/18/23: Using Admob (and firebase) ( admob website: admob) and Example Code: Ads

Week X: Thanks Giving week
11/20/23: no class, Test day for BattleBot client as needed.
11/22/23: no class
11/24/23: no class

Week 14:
12/04/23: Battle bot arena contest, program #6 due
12/06/23: continue Battle bot arena contest
12/07/23: finish Battle bot arena contest

Week 15:
12/11-15/23: if needed final exam time, but we haven't needed it in 5 years. 10:15am to 12:15pm

Course continued in cosc 4735: Advanced Mobile Apps

legacy lectures

  • ListViews, Example code: Listview