Lecture Material
Week 1: lab 0
1/20/25: mlk no class
1/22/25: syllabus, course Introduction and overview
1/25/25: linux, compilers, debugger, Pis, gdb cheat sheet
Week 2: lab 1
1/27/25: C++ primer
1/29/25: finish primer and Mini lecture: variables and Limits demo cpp code
1/31/25: recursion (last day to drop)
Week 3: lab 2
2/03/25: Advanced Data Type
2/05/25: Linked list, node.h, myList.h
2/07/25: finish linked lists
Week 4: lab 3
2/10/25: programing assignment 1
2/12/25: Stacks
2/14/25: Queues
Week 5: lab 4
2/17/25: semester break, no class
2/19/25: STL: lists, stack, queues, etc
2/21/25: Introduction to Trees, Program 1 due at 5pm
Week 6: Challenge lab 1
2/24/25: Review for Exam 1
2/26/25: exam 1
2/28/25: no class, conference
Week 7: lab 5
3/03/25: Implementation of trees,BinaryNode.h, BinarySearchTree.h
3/05/25: trees: AVL , go over program 2
3/07/25: trees: Red-Black
Week 8: lab 6
3/10/25: Binary Heap and Priority Queue
3/12/25: sorting
3/14/25: hashes
Week X: Spring Break
3/17/25: Spring break, no class
3/19/25: Spring break, no class
3/21/25: Spring break, no class
Week 9: lab 7
3/24/25: hashing implementation, program 2 due at 5pm
3/26/25: STL: sets, maps, and pairs
3/28/25: Huffman compression tree
Week 10: Challenge lab 2
3/31/25: Review for Exam 2
4/02/25: Exam 2
3/04/25: no class
Week 11: no lab
4/07/25: go over exam 2, go over program 3, string compares and pattern matching
4/09/25: Java, a primer
4/11/25: finish Java, a primer
Week 12: lab 8 (java)
4/14/25: Regular Expressions: Matching
4/16/25: finishing matching and Regular Expressions: Replacement
4/18/25: Finish Regex
Week 13: lab 9 (java)
4/21/25: Secure coding in c and c++: strings
4/23/25: STL: unordered sets and maps, sorting, dictionary/associate arrays
4/25/25: Data Structures in action
Week 14: lab 10 (java)
4/28/25: Encryption and BlockChain, program 3 due at 5pm
4/30/25: finish Encryption and BlockChain
5/02/25: Overview, unit testing and Code Optimization and performance
Week 15: challenge lab 3
5/05/25: Algorithm Analysis
5/07/25: finish Algorithm Analysis
5/09/25: Review for the final exam
Week 16:
5/X/25: Final exam X:00am to X:00am, same classroom