1st Workshop on Immersive Volumetric Interaction (WIVI 2013)
March 16, 2013
at IEEE Virtual Reality 2013, Orlando, FL, USA
Participants can submit papers (up to 6 pages, minimum of 2 pages) describing
positions, preliminary research or evaluation results, prototypes, design work,
or applications in VR.
Papers should be prepared using the IEEE Computer Society format. Submissions
will be peer-reviewed and authors of accepted papers will be invited to present
at the workshop.
Demonstrations of prototype interfaces, interaction modalities, and interactive
immersive systems are highly encouraged. Participants providing a demonstration
will be asked to submit a brief abstract and short video.
CAMERA READY: January 9, 2013, to be published in workshop proceedings
Submissions should be sent to: wivi2013organizers [at] googlegroups.com
Please include authors, affiliation, and contact information when
WORKSHOP DATE: Saturday March 16, 2013.
For more details: http://ieeevr.org/2013/program
Each deadline is by midnight PST on the stated day, no matter where the
submitter is located. This workshop is suitable for a half-day of planned
presentations of accepted papers and focused lively discussions. Possible issues
for discussion, but not limited to, are
natural user interfaces, interaction modalities, selection, manipulation,
quality of immersion,
physical and cognitive fatigue, low-cost immersive systems (input and output),
user goals and workflow, and analysis tools. Technical requirements shall
include a medium sized lecture space complete with projector, screen, and
multiple microphones for speaker and audience members. Additionally, there may
be a few demonstrations that might require additional power source and tables.
* Submission for review: position statement papers or works-in-progress 2
to 4 pages, research papers of 4 to 6 pages length. All submitted materials must
be in PDF format with embedded fonts. Camera-ready documents will be included in
the proceedings and will be archived in the IEEE Digital Library, and therefore
must be formatted using the IEEE Computer Society format described at
http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~vis/Tasks/camera.html. (Templates provided) Due to short
time frame, we ask that you prepare your initial submission as close to
camera-ready as possible.
* Don’t forget to register! Authors with submissions are guaranteed access
to the workshop but must still register. At least one author from each
submission must register by February 1, 2013 to assure publication in the
conference proceedings. Other participants are welcomed and encouraged to
register and attend for the discussion, but attendance to these participants
will be limited to 30 participants on a first-come-first serve basis.
Registration: http://ieeevr.org/2013/registration
* Camera-ready version preparation: When submitting the camera-ready
version, authors are requested to indicate:
1) if they would like to have a hard-copy of the workshopmaterials
2) if they allow to releasing their paper on the workshop webpage.