What is SSH?

SSH is the secure shell protocol, it allows you to connect to a different computer's terminal environment.

How do I conenct to the hive machines?

Open up your Linux terminal and run the following command

ssh your-username@hive.eecs.uwyo.edu

Things to note:

  • When you type your password now characters will be shown, it is being inputted
  • Depending on load you can also specify which hive pool by using hive1 or hive2
  • Or, you can replace hive with fish01, fish02,...,fish20 any one of those 20
  • To log out you can use either exit or logout

How do I connect to the pis?

If you are off campus you have to FIRST connect to the hive machines using the steps above. Once you have done that, or on campus you need to claim a pi here. Then you can use:

ssh padawan@pi-you-chose.eecs.uwyo.edu

How do I use VScode's remote development to work on the hive?

If you haven't already please watch the video on the labs page. The documentation can be found here.

Why do I have to use VScode, why can't I use *normal* Visual Studio?

The TLDR: Visual Studio breaks during some of the labs/assignments and will throw back errors reagardless of code correctness. In addition you must use g++ to compile your programs. g++ Will be used to compile all your labs and assignments, so if you write it using Visual Studio and it doesn't compile for g++ you WILL lose half your points for the program not compiling.

How do I compile and run a C++ file??

Outlined in LabOne, but in your terminal run:

  • g++ whatever.cpp
  • ./a.out

How do I push my files to github?

Outlined in LabTwo, in your terminal run the following commands:

  • git add .
  • git commit -m "put a message here"
  • git push
  • Enter credentials as needed

How do I clone my labs down to a system?

Outlined in LabTwo but:

  • Get the link to your repository
  • git clone link

How do I pull my changes from github after pushing?

Outlined in LabTwo but within your repo's directory run:
git pull