Student Researchers

CEDAR currently supports 15 active student researchers including 2 PhD students, 2 MS students (5 in Fall 2018), 7 undergraduates.

Current Research Projects

Name Description Students
S-CHIRP Secure Communication in Heterogenous IoTs with Round-Robin Protection Shaya, Rafer
SHARKS Self-organizing swarmws using minimal rule sets. Rafer, Jarek
D-Cubed Distributed DDOS Detection in Routers Fiona
Continuous Authentication Develop mechanisms to replace passwords as the primary source of identity management and authentication. Madison, Rasana, Jared, Alejandro
SW/HW FUZZ Development of a low-cost fuzzer for CAM based extensions [new, open]
Consumer Security Development of a portable ToR Router for increased anonimity. Danny, Adrian, Wyatt
Micro:Badge Creation of a low-cost re-programmable, wearable badge for cybersecurity in K14 Garrett, Nic, Shaya, Rafer

Current Grant Activity

Name Description Duration Amount Source Status
GenCyber COWPOKES Two 1-week cybersecurity summer camps and professional developments for K-12 teachers and students Summer 2018 100K+10K NSA/NSF+UWYO CEAS Awarded
RAMPED II: Robotics, Appied Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Design Two week computer science professional developments for K-12 teachers and students Summer 2018 300K NSF/Dept of Ed/WDE Awarded
KEEN Grant Implementation of Elevator Pitches into Senior Capstone Courses AY 2017-2018 10K KEEN Awarded
Sustaining Wyoming's Enhancment to Engineering Pedagodgy College wide proposal to support and enhance how we teach engineering courses AY 2019-20124 2M NSF Pending
Cybersecurity Realized Openly to Support STEM in Wyoming's Immense Need for Diversity Building and development of low-cost cybersecurity manipulatives to sustain outreach. AY 2018-2020 300K NSF Pending
Booting Up CS in Wyoming Active partnership between WY Dept of Ed, WY School Districts & Teachers, and the University of Wyoming to enable sustainable CS instruction throughout the State of Wyoming. AY 2019-2022 1M NSF To Be Submitted
SHARKS (To Be Renamed) Cognizant and Taskable Intelligent Physical System that exhibits high-level awareness of their own capabilities and limitations, anticipating potential failures and re-planning accordingly. AY 2019-2022 500K NSF To Be Submitted