1st Workshop on Immersive Volumetric Interaction (WIVI 2013)
March 16, 2013
at IEEE Virtual Reality 2013, Orlando, FL, USA
There is a growing interest in interaction research of volumes for immersive virtual environments and immersive visualizations. Traditional interaction modalities may not be sufficient to select and manipulate multiple objects or data points or have the potential to interfere with users’ sense of immersion or workflow. Additionally, there is a strong interest in scaling interfaces from the desktop display to higher immersive display systems, therefore cost, availability, and familiarity all play a role in designing interaction. Solutions tend to be focused on separately in these communities, however we propose a common forum to openly discuss these issues and ideas for solutions.
The IEEE VR 2013 Workshop on Immersive Volumetric
Interaction is intended to bring together researchers, developers, and users
from multiple communities in Virtual Environments, 3D User Interfaces, and
Immersive Visualizations to discuss issues and share ideas that relate to the
process, interaction modalities, hardware, software, interface constraints, and
users’ goals and workflow as they relate to the problem of interacting with
volumetric data in immersive visualizations and/or multiple objects defined as a
volume in virtual environments. This workshop will provide a forum for
presentations and energized discussions to initial new and exciting developments
in this area as well as connections for collaborations among multiple research