3D Interaction and Agents (3DIA) Research Lab
Amy Banic, Ph.D., Director of
3DIA Lab
Assistant Professor, University of Wyoming
Joint Appointment, Idaho National Lab
~Handy Links~
Amy Banic: http://www.AmyBanic.com
3DIA Lab Main Site:
InoVRtors Student VR Club:
Our research spans 3-dimensional (3-D) user
interfaces and interaction in the application domains that utilize 3-D
virtual environments (VE), immersive 3-D visualizations, and virtual
humans experienced through stereoscopic display technology. Interaction
in three dimensions is crucial to the successful usage of highly
interactive VE applications like virtual reality, immersive
training/education, scientific visualization, health, and immersive
design. Our research investigates basic and applied research on
interaction in 3-D and VE technology. We design and develop interaction
techniques, interfaces, input devices that enhance workflow in a variety
of domains. 3-Dimensional Interaction and Agents (3DiA) Laboratory. Our
research is human-centric, meaning we study problems from the users'
perspective. Our focus is to design and develop novel technology to help
people and solve real-world problems. Our research is highly
collaborative. Faculty, Government Researchers, Industry Leaders,
Students and others who join or work with our lab come from a variety of
domains such as Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kinesiology,
Psychology, Health Sciences, Art, and others. Computing is at the heart.
Students persuing a Ph.D., Masters, or Undergraduate degree working in
this research group typically are enrolled in computer science or
computer engineering studies. |
Up and Coming
Khadka, R., Shetty, N., Whiting, E., and Banic, A. (2016) Evaluation of
Collaborative Actions to Inform Design of a Remote Interactive
Collaboration Framework for Immersive Data Visualizations. In
Proceedings of International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC),
accepted, available soon.
Khadka, R., Money, J., and Banic, A. (2016) Using Low Cost Multi-Sensory
Output Cues to Support Proxemics and Kinesics Across Heterogeneous
Systems. In Proceedings of ISS Cross-Surface Workshop,
accepted, available soon.
Khadka, R. and Banic, A. (2016). Investigation of Multi-Sensory Cue
Techniques to Support Proxemics, Kinesics and Context for Remote
Heterogeneous Collaborative Virtual Environments, In proceedings of the
Doctoral Consortium of the IEEE Virtual Reality conference, Greenville,
Benavides, A. and Banic, A. (2016) Poster: Tele-Collaboration in Remote
Immersive 3D Virtual Environments and Visualizations. Rocky Mountain
Celebration of Women in Computing, Salt Lake City, UT |
Wilches, D. and Banic, A. (2016). Extended Abstract: Making Virtual
Environments more Immersive by using Mechanical Haptic Devices, In
proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium of the IEEE Virtual Reality
conference, Greenville, SC.
Hybrid 2D/3D Space Research to Assist Individuals with Disabilities
NSF SBIR Phase 1, “Adapting Devices for Motion Disabled Users”.
Phung, T.* and Banic, A. (2016). Poster: Investigation on the Use of
Perception Manipulation to Enhance Virtual Reality Training. Rocky
Mountain Celebration of Women in Computing, Salt Lake City, UT.
Won 3rd Place in
Poster Contest.
Mixing VR and ART STEM HS ED
Banic, A. and Gamboa, R. (2016). Code as Spatial Brushes: Visual Arts
Pedagogy-Driven Computer Science Education Through Online Virtual
Environments. Frontiers Journal in Information and Communication
Technology (ICT), Virtual Environments,
in review.
Current Projects
3D Touch
Nguyen, A. and Banic, A. (2015)
3DTouch: A wearable 3D
input device for 3D applications Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality
2015, Arles, France. (Acceptance
Rate: 23.1%)
Nguyen, A., & Banic, A. (2014). 3DTouch: A wearable 3D input device for
3D applications. Technical Report, Research Gate.
3D Touch, A Multi-Dimension Touch-Based Input Device,
Patent Pending
Bimanual Interaction
Benavides, A., Wilches, D., and Banic, B. (2016). Talk: Research on
Studying Bimanual Actions to Inform Interaction Techniques. Rocky
Mountain Celebration of Women in Computing, Salt Lake City, UT.
Pradhan, N., Benavides, A., Zhu, Q., and Banic, A. (2015)
of Fatigue Measurement Using Human Motor Coordination for Gesture-Based
Interaction in 3D Environments. In Proceedings of International
Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC).
Banic, A. (2014) Selection
Classification for Interaction with Immersive Volumetric Visualizations.
In proceedings of HCI International 2014, Crete, Greece.
Ulinski, A., Wartell, Z., Goolkasian, P., Suma, E., and Hodges, L. F.
(2009). Selection
Performance Based on Classes of Bimanual Actions. In Proceedings of
3DUI 2009, Lafayette, LA.
(Acceptance rate: 25%)
Ulinski, A., Zanbaka, C., Wartell, Z., Goolkasian, P., and Hodges, L. F.
(2007) Two-handed
selection techniques for 3D volumetric data. In Proceedings of 3DUI
2007, Charlotte, NC, 107-114.
(Acceptance rate: 31.1%)
Ulinski, A., Wartell, Z., and Hodges, L. F. (2007).
Bimanual task division
preferences for volume selection. In Proceedings of the 2007 ACM
Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (Newport Beach,
California, November 05 - 07, 2007). S. N. Spencer, Ed. VRST '07. ACM,
New York, NY, 217-218.
BCI Navigation for Virtual Environments
Benavides, A., Kunchala, A., and Banic, A. (2014). Auditory-Based BCI
Navigation Techniques to Reduce Continued EEG Training for Virtual
Reality, Poster, RMCWiC 2014.
Dhital, A., and Banic, A. U. (2013).
Navigation Path Differences
for Dichotic Listening BCI in Virtual Environments. In workshop on
Virtual and Augmented Assistive Technology at IEEE Virtual Reality 2013,
IEEE Proceedings.
Dhital, A., and Banic, A. U. (2013).
Navigation in a Virtual
Environment by Dichotic Listening: Simultaneous Audio Cues for
User-Directed BCI Classification. In Proceedings of IEEE Virtual
Reality (VR), 2013 IEEE (pp. 71-72).
Dhital, A. and Banic, A. (2012) Interact with Your Ears: Exploration of
Audio and Visual Associative
Cues for Brain Computer Interface Classification, Poster, RMCWIC,
Areejitkasem, N. and Banic, A.. (2012)Evaluation of Color and
SSVEP-Based BCI Classification, Poster, RMCWIC, 2012.
Interaction for Immersive Visualizations and Volumetric Data
Wilches, D. and Banic, A. (2016).
VolSelectAware: Visual-Cognition Coupled Non-Visual Data-Driven Volume
Selection for Immersive Scientific Visualizations. The 9th
Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction, VINCI,
Sakou, L., Wilches, D., and Banic, A. (2015)
Region Growing Selection
Technique for Dense Volume Visualization. In Proceedings of
International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC).
Banic, A. (2014). User-Centric Adaptation in Interaction for Immersive
Simulations. In proceedings of the New Frontiers in Product Modeling and
Simulation (NAFEMS) Regional Conference 2014, Colorado Springs, CO.
Banic, A. Featured in,
O’Leary, P., Sherman, W. R., Shetty, N., Clark, J., & Hulme, D. (2013)
Providing a Progression of Immersive Visualization
Technologies. Workshop at Super Computing ‘13.
2nd Workshop
on Immersive Volumetric Interaction (WIVI 2014). Amy Banic, Patrick
O’Leary, and Bireswar Laha. (2014). At the IEEE Virtual Reality (VR
2014) conference, Minneapolis, MN, 29-30 March, 2014.
Tutorial on HCI Design for
Immersive Systems and 3D Environments. Amy Banic and Bill Sherman.
(2014). At the HCI International 2014 Conference, Crete, Greece, 22-27
June 2014.
1st Workshop on
Mobile Immersive Visualization. Amy Banic, Patrick O’Leary, and
Tobias Isenburg. At the ACM MobileHCI 2013 Conference, Munich, Germany,
August 27-30, 2013.
Tutorial on Mobile Interfaces for 3D and Immersive Systems: There’s a
Mobile App for That! Amy Banic and Bill Sherman. At the ACM MobileHCI
2013 Conference, Munich, Germany, August 27-30, 2013.
Tutorial on HCI for 3D and Immersive Systems. Amy Banic and Bill
Sherman. At the HCI International 2013 Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada,
21-26 July 2013.
1st Workshop on
Immersive Volumetric Interaction (WIVI 2013).. Amy Banic, Patrick
O’Leary, and Zachary Wartell. At the IEEE Virtual Reality (VR 2013)
conference, Orlando, FL. 16-23 March, 2013. |
Past Projects
Touch and Multi-Touch
Sun, Z., Dhital, A., Areejitkasem, N., Pradhan*, N., Banic, A. (2014).
Effects on Performance of Analytical Tools for Visually Demanding Tasks
through Direct and Indirect Touch Interaction in an Immersive Display.
In proc. of 4th International Conference on Virtual Reality and
Visualization. Shenyang, China, ICVRV 2014.
Khadka, R., Sun, Z., Nguyen, A., Sakou, L., Anand, A., and Banic, A.
(2014). Mobile Bimanual Touch-based Hybrid 2D and 3D Techniques for 3D
Visualizations, Poster, RMCWiC, 2014.
Sun, Z. and Banic, A. (2012) Immersive Visualization in a CAVE? There’s
an app for that: Mobile Devices as a Universal Medium for Interaction
Poster, RMCWIC, 2012.
Pradhan, N. and Banic, A. (2012) Hybrid 6DOF Mobile Interaction for
Volume Manipulation in Stereoscopic Display Environments. Poster,
RMCWIC, 2012.
McClendon, J., Ekandem, J., Hayes, A., Ulinski, A., and Hodges, L..
(2011) DeskTop: An Ergonomic Design for a Scalable, Collaborative
Multi-Touch Display, In Proceedings of HCI International 2011, Orlando,
Augmented Reality in Real World Application
Dukes, L.C., Banic, A.U., McClendon, J., Pence, T.B., Mathieson, J.,
Hodges, L.F., Summers, J.D. (2012)
of System‐Directed
Multimodal Systems for Vehicle Inspection, JCISE.
Cairco, L., Ulinski, A.C., McClendon, J., Bloodworth, T., Matheison, J.,
Hodges, L.F., and Summers, J. (2010). Interface
Design and Display Modalities to Improve the Vehicle Inspection Process.
In Proceedings of ASME 2010 World Conference on Innovative Virtual
Reality (WINVR), Ames, Iowa.
Collaborative Interaction for Classroom
Lawrence, K.*, Maas, A.*, Pradhan, N.*, Ford, T.*, Shinker, J., & Banic,
A. U. (2013).
Investigation of interaction modalities designed for immersive
visualizations using commodity devices in the classroom. In proc. of
HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada 22-26 July, 2013.
Early Childhood Interaction
Wiederrecht, M. A., & Ulinski, A. C. (2012, January).
appropriate intelligent spatial tutoring for mobile devices. In
Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (pp. 594-596). Springer
Berlin Heidelberg.
Wiederrecht, M. and Banic, A. (2012) Intelligent Tutoring Systems for
Early Childhood Education- Why? Poster, RMCWIC, 2012.
Asiri, Y. and Banic, A. (2012)Evaluation of Mobile Touch-Based
Collaboration Styles that Facilitate Task-Focused Talk to Enhance
Spatial Ability Learning. Poster, RMCWIC, 2012.
Virtual Humans
Jaff, L., Hayes, A., Banic, A.U. (2013) VWSocialLab: Prototype Virtual
World (VW) Toolkit for
Social and Behavioral Science Experimental Set up and Control. In
proc. of HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada 22-26 July, 2013.
Hodges, L., Ulinski, A., Bloodworth, T., Hayes, A., and Smotherman, J.M.
(2011) Second Life and a
Platform for Creating Intelligent Virtual Agents, In Proceedings of
HCI International 2011, Orlando, FL.
Hayes, A., Ulinski, A., and Hodges, L.F. (2010).
That Avatar is
Looking at Me! Social Inhibition in Virtual Worlds. In Proceedings
of 10th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents,
Philadelphia, PA. Acceptance
rate: 22.8%
Zanbaka, C., Ulinski, A.,
Goolkasian, P., and Hodges, L. F. (2007)
Social responses to virtual humans: Implications for future interface
design. Honorable Mention
for Best of CHI Award. In Proceedings of CHI 2007, ACM Press (2007),
Zanbaka, C., Ulinski, A., Goolkasian, P., and Hodges, L. F. (2004).
Effects of Virtual Human Presence on Task
Performance, Proceeding of the International Conference on
Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT), pp.174-181.
Virtual Patients and Training
Bloodworth, T., Cairco, L., McClendon, J., Hodges, L.F., Babu, S.,
Meehan, N., Johnson, A., Ulinski, A. (2012) Initial
Evaluation of a Virtual Pediatric Patient System. In Proceedings of
Carolina Women in Computing 2012 (CWIC 2012). Columbia, SC, February 17‐18.
Ziemkiewicz, C., Ulinski, A., Zanbaka, C., Hardin, S., and Hodges, L. F.
(2005). Interactive Digital Patient for
Triage Nurse Training. First International Conference on Virtual
Reality, Las Vegas, Nevada 22 - 27 July.
Cairco, L., Babu, S., Ulinski, A., Zanbaka, C., and Hodges, L. F.
(2007). Shakespearean karaoke. In
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and
Technology (Newport Beach, California, November 05 - 07, 2007). S. N.
Spencer, Ed. VRST '07. ACM, New York, NY, 239-240.
Suma, E., Finkelstein, S., Reid, M.,Babu, S., Ulinski, A., and L.F.
Hodges. (2009). Evaluation of the Cognitive
Effects of Travel Technique in the Real and Virtual World, In IEEE
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Suma, E.A., Finkelstein, S.L., Reid, M., Ulinski, A., Hodges, L.F.,
(2009). Real Walking Increases Simulator
Sickness in Navigationally Complex Virtual Environments, In
Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Conference 2009. VR 2009. IEEE ,
vol., no., pp.245-246, 14-18.
Zanbaka, C., Lok, B., Babu, S. Xiao, D., Ulinski, A., and Hodges L.F.
(2005). Comparison of Path Visualizations and
Cognitive Measures relative to Travel Technique in a Virtual Environment.
In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Zanbaka, C., Lok, B., Babu, S. Xiao, D., Ulinski, A, and Hodges L.F.
Effects of Travel Technique on Cognition in Virtual Environments, In
Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2004, Chicago, IL, 149-156, 286.
(Acceptance rate: 20.3%)